Bowie-Crofton Camera Club 

Promoting Photographic Skill and Enjoyment
Throughout Central and Southern Maryland.
The Viewfinder

The Viewfinder

THE VIEWFINDER is distributed at the first meeting of each month during the club year (and once, via mail, during the summer). All contributions of interest to photographers are welcomed. The deadline for submitting articles is the first Monday of the month prior to publication. It is preferred that articles be sent via e-mail to with the text directly in the body of the message. File attachments (MS Word, .txt, .rtf) are acceptable, but not preferred. Photographs should also be submitted to as JPEGs with a “high” quality compression setting. The optimal photograph will be no more than 800 pixels in its greatest dimension. PLEASE, no file attachments larger than 1 megabyte. Content submitted from other sources (ie, internet or periodicals) should include source information to provide credit to the author.

THE VIEWFINDER was awarded First Place, in the Large Club category, and was further recognized with its second Director’s Choice Award in the 2006 PSA International Newsletter Competition.


Club Year

Background image by Dena Selby