Bowie-Crofton Camera Club 

Promoting Photographic Skill and Enjoyment
Throughout Central and Southern Maryland.

Two Simon Omega B Series Enlargers Available for Free

  Two Simon Omega B Series enlargers are up for grabs. One is in pretty tough shape, the other appears from a casual inspection to be in working order although it might need some love and care. At least one has a lens attached (focal length unknown). There is a 2 1/4 square negative carrier with one.  There is also a timer.

   It is  suggested that you take both enlargers using the second for parts in case you need them. From looking on line the B series of enlargers were made from the late 40’s until the mid 70’s so parts are available for them. Back in the day the two big names in enlargers were Simon-Omega and Beselar. It appears that parts are still readily available online.

   The owner will be taking them to the dump at the end of the week if they are not claimed. They are located in Drayden, in St. Mary's County, Maryland. 

   If you are interested, contact Craig Bumgarner at: 


Background image by Bob Matthews