Bowie-Crofton Camera Club 

Promoting Photographic Skill and Enjoyment
Throughout Central and Southern Maryland.

You have another chance for a great field trip on Sat., October 19

Second field trip for Saturday, Oct. 19


Historic Maxwell Hall Colonial Faire.

17388 Teagues Point Road, Hughesville, MD 20637

10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Free admission.


10:00 a.m. -  Meet in front of Maxwell Hall house.


3:30 p.m. -  Meet for an early dinner or late lunch at Stoney's of Broomes Island

3939 Oyster House Road

Broomes Island, MD 20615


As she will not be at the meetings to pick up the sign-up sheet, please contact Beth Fabey at with the following information:

--email address

--cell phone number

--meeting at Maxwell Hall 10:00 a.m.?

--meeting at Stoney's Restaurant at 3:30 p.m.?

--See sign-up sheet for car pooling which you will need to arrange for yourselves


Southern Maryland Colonial Faire and Fall Festival at Historic Maxwell Hall:


Step back in time to the 1700's and enjoy the day learning about the craft-making during this historic period. Fun and learning for all ages.

-Historical Cannon Firing
-Live Music featuring John O'Loughlin trio and Rosewood Duo
-Live Birds of Prey
-Interactive Mystery Play "Gentleman or Traitor"
-Food and Craft vendors
-Bogle Contest with prizes
-Friends of Maxwell Hall
-Children's crafts
-First Maryland Regiment
-Brooke's Company of Calvert Militia
-Rope Making Demonstration
-Friends of Smallwood State Park
-Rooms decorated by Crossroad of Hughesville Garden Club and Charles County Garden Club
-Old Fashioned Fun
-Birthday Cake to celebrate the 95th birthday of Mary Louise Webb
For further information contact George at This event is sponsored by the Friends of Maxwell Hall. Funding for this project as provided in part by the Commissioners of Charles County, Maryland.


Background image by George Smyth