B-CCC's Annual Holiday Dinner will be on Sunday, January 11, 2015
Good Food Good Friends Good Cheer
It’s that time of year; time to sign up for the B-CCC Holiday Dinner. The dinner will take place on Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. As in years past, we will be gathering at Hellas Restaurant and Lounge in Millersville. The dinner will be served buffet style and will, of course, include Hellas’ fabulous crab cakes. Soft beverages are included with the dinner and there is a full cash bar.
Hellas is located at 8498 Veteran’s Highway, Millersville, MD 21108 and is handicap accessible. The cost remains $25.00 per person. Please sign up on the sheet provided at a meeting through the end of the year and give your payment to our treasurer Warren Wilson at a meeting. If you are unable to attend a meeting, please email Warren to RSVP at Warren_Eugene@hotmail.com and mail your check, made out to B-CCC to Warren Wilson at 7018 Wood Thrush Drive, Lanham, MD 20706. The club must have your payment by January 3, 2015.
After dinner we will be entertained with a program by Clarence Carvel entitled "If You Are From Away, You Might Not Be A Mainer".
Q) When is the last day to sign up?
A) Warren must have your RSVP AND YOUR MONEY by January 3rd.
Q) What if I forget to sign up ahead of time?
A) We’ll miss you.
Q) Can I pay at the first meeting in January?
A) No, the first meeting is on January 5th. I must confirm the head count on January 4th.
Q) Why can’t I pay the night of the event?
A) Because the club must pay for the number of guests confirmed. In the past individuals have signed
up, failed to attend and not paid.
Q) I’m a very responsible person, are you sure I can’t pay after January 3rd?
A) Responsible people meet deadlines. Your deadline to get in your payment is January 3rd.
Q) What if I have another question?
Q) If I call you, will you let me pay late?
A) No.