Bowie-Crofton Camera Club 

Promoting Photographic Skill and Enjoyment
Throughout Central and Southern Maryland.

March Field Trip - Smithsonian Kite Festival

   Every year during the annual National Cherry Blossom Festival there are many kites flying around the National Mall area, particularly around the Washington Monument. I have photographed the event a number of times over the years, and it is quite a challenge to come up with really interesting photos. With that in mind, my plan is to meet at the entrance to the Washington Monument at 10:00 a.m. on March 29, and decide which events to photograph for the day. I am thinking we could move around as a group, and all photograph the same event as we see fit, trying to get our best shots. Then later, at one of the Photo Talk sessions, we could display some of our images and have discussions of them with the Club members. Of course, you would be able to move around the Festival independently if you want. We could have lunch at the Old Post Office Building which is nearby. The field trip is dependent on the weather however, so may be canceled if it is raining. You will receive a message the night before from   B-CCC if the field trip is canceled.

  -- David Ebert, Field Trip Leader ( 301-779-1039 (h), 240-463-6541 (c)
Background image by Dick Russell