Bowie-Crofton Camera Club 

Promoting Photographic Skill and Enjoyment
Throughout Central and Southern Maryland.

Shoot the Moon with Bill Conway

Shooting the moon


   Hi everyone,

   If you are going to try and shoot the moon with me on Tuesday, Dec. 17. It looks like there is a 30% chance of morning rain or snow.

   I am still going to try and get pictures there is a 70% chance it won’t snow or rain.


   This is the info on the shoot:

   I will be setting up for the shoot at 9th street and Pennsylvania Ave SE at about 6:30 a.m. Get their early because parking will be scarce.


  The moon will set at 7:15 a.m. and the sun will be rising at 7:20 a.m. The sun should illuminate the capitol without interfering with the moon shot.

   The equipment I will be using is:

1.       Canon 50D

2.       Canon 300 mm Lens

3.       Remote control

4.       Sturdy Tripod

5.       Spare Charged Batteries

6.       Memory Cards

   The last time I did this shoot it was during an eclipse and the moon had just entered the earth’s shadow so it was red. This time there will be no Eclipse so we should be shooting a bright moon.

  When I shot the image above I was using:

1.       My Canon 50D (APC Sensor)

2.       70-200 mm Lens with a 1.4 Teleconverter

3.       Tripod

4.       Remote control


Aperture f/9

ISO 100

Focal length 270 mm

Exposure .5 sec

   This time I will be using my 50D again, and start off my settings with Aperture f/11, ISO 100. Focal Length 300 mm (will be using my 300 mm prime lens), exposure 1 secibd,  Adjust from there by changing shutter speed.


   I’m looking forward to seeing all of you.

         Bill Conway




Background image by George Smyth