Bowie-Crofton Camera Club 

Promoting Photographic Skill and Enjoyment
Throughout Central and Southern Maryland.

An Opportunity to Have your Photos Published in Bowie

Hi Everyone,
   The Bowie -Crofton Camera Club has been asked to submit digital photos for a new monthly publication called Bowie Life. The company that is doing this is HIBU and a subsidiary of Yellowbook. The monthly publications will be mailed to all the homes in Bowie.
   Each issue has 1-2 pages for a photo spread. The number of photos varies from six to 15, depending on how many usable photos are sent in. There is NO payment for the use of your photos but your name will be under the photo so you will get some recognition.The theme for us is winter/ holiday. Any photo that looks like it would fit a December issue is acceptable.They are looking for something in a 5 x 7 size range with a DPI (resolution )of 300. That is like 2000 X 1000 in pixels. There are no pixel constraints but please understand that this needs to be emailed.

   Please submit a few JPEGs ( no restriction on the size of the file) to me ( and I will get them to the appropriate person. The publication will decide what photos are used. Deadline for submission to me is Monday Sept. 23, 2013. 

  Thanks for your help on this project.
Background image by Stephen Bruza