Bowie-Crofton Camera Club 

Promoting Photographic Skill and Enjoyment
Throughout Central and Southern Maryland.

B-CCC Members Day Announced

B-CCC Members Day

Sunday, September 1, 2013

4:00 PM


Clarence and Marti Carvell’s home, 7106 Pindell School Rd. Fulton, MD  301-725-0234

About 33 years ago, Jim and Jeanne Walker sponsored what they called an “Old Fashion Pig Out” to start the new club year and it’s been going on ever since.  It’s become a fine tradition and a memorable day for us all.


   Each year, B-CCC celebrates the beginning of the new season with a grand get together of all its members and spouses. It’s free and all members are welcome and encouraged to attend. It’s a chance to meet everyone and become inspired to participate in all the club activities.


   It all happens with a tasty food contribution from each of us along with a set of 5-10 images that we can all share on the screen. (No judges invited)


   Here are the basic food items we know to be favorites. A favorite personal food dish is more than welcome also and we are always impressed by something we never expected.

   Marti is coordinating everything so let her know you are coming and what you would like to bring.

Food Item Ideas


        Appetizers                         Desserts                           Drinks

     (Arrive early)                                                             (Arrive early)

Cheese/Crackers                   Cakes                           Fruit Juices    

Ass’t Nuts                             Cookies                        Iced Tea  

Finger food                            Pies                              Canned Sodas           

Veg. Platter                           Dessert Tray                  Lemonade     

Chips & Dip                          Tarts                                            

Wings                                     Brownies                                     


Fried Chicken

Roasted Chicken                                      Vegetable Salad

Sliced Ham

Hamburg (Ready to cook)

Shish kabob

Sliced Beef

BBQ Pork or Chicken

Home Baked Beans

Meat Balls         


Pasta Salad

Vegetable Salad

Sliced Cantaloupe/


Deviled Eggs

Cole Slaw

Potato Salad

   Green Salad


   Provided will be  plates, napkins, plastic ware, ice, coffee, cups, tables, chairs, paper towels, sugar and dairy for coffee, salt & pepper, butter, condiments.

Rain or Shine

                                   Bring your camera. There should be lots to photograph.


Please Email your images to Dick Russell

by August 25.  Usual format, 1024 x 768, jpg, sRGB

Background image by George Smyth