Bowie-Crofton Camera Club 

Promoting Photographic Skill and Enjoyment
Throughout Central and Southern Maryland.

Contact Information

Executive Committee

Co-Presidents Roz Kleffman and Stefan Kaben
Secretary Dena Selby 240-508-4675
Treasurer JC Hsu
VP Competition Charles Jemmott 301-655-6250
VP How-To Karen Smale 410-451-0671
VP Photo Talk Glenn Thompson
VP Programs Bruce Edwards
VP Membership William Bailey


Competition Assistant Renee Butler 703-216-5806
Exhibits Bob Matthews
Field Trip Coordinator Vince and Leslie Ferrari 301-249-2210
PSA Representative Denise Hill 301-809-1399
Viewfinder Editor Warren Wilson 301-249-2210
Webmaster Bev Shomo 410-695-1259
Background image by Vincent Ferrari